Archives - St. Valentine's Day Letter
February 2000
Elections 2000: St. Valentine's Day Letter
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As is my usual practice, I bounded to my mail box this afternoon only to find a plain grey envelope without a return address. In my haste to open it, I could see that it was a valentine's day (dated February 14th) surprise.

At the top was a salutation TO THE CHARLOTTESVILLE DEMOCRATIC PARTY and the signatures below were those of four past Democratic party chairs and council members. Naturally, I thought it was one of those ubiquitous fundraising letters. But no, it was an ode to Kevin Lynch.

Now don't get me wrong. All you have to do is look at Kevin's marvelous mug and you know this is someone you can get along with and talk with. And, I believe as well, that if nominated and elected, Kevin will make a wonderful city councilor. This does not, however, constitute an endorsement.

My interest, here, is in the letter itself. David Brown, John Conover (treasurer of STAMP), Francis Fife, and Mary Alice Gunter all enthusiastically "'urge you to support Kevin Lynch at the Mass Meeting next Monday evening at the Charlottesville High School Performing Arts Center.'" Described as a member of "the next generation", Kevin is slated to "fill the environmental role on Council".

While the authors of this letter do acknowledge the "unique strengths and abilities" of other candidates, their names are not mentioned. As for incumbents, they say "'We have a wealth of incumbent experience on Council with David Toscano and Blake Caravati. Now is the time to begin to bring in our successors. And to welcome them not as mere followers but as different voices speaking from like values'".

The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions about incumbents Maurice Cox and Meredith Richards.

If you feel you have any special insights about why this group of distinguished citizens chose to single out Kevin Lynch for their enthusiasm, please send them to Comments are also welcomed about the pros and cons of single-shoting at the mass meeting as well as comments by other distinguished groups of citizens about their favorite candidates.

To date I have received a response from John Conover [] about this posting and a letter of support for Meredith Richards by Paul Gaston.

Comments? Questions? Write me at