Archives - Meredith Richard's Letter to Democrats
December 1999
Elections 2000: Meredith Richard's Letter to Democrats
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Dear Friends and Supporters in the Charlottesville Democratic Party:

When you elected me to city council, I promised to work for quality neighborhoods, improved city/county relations, healthy families and children, and a strong city economy. In the ensuing 3 ½ years, I've worked diligently to fulfill these goals.

With your support and your ideas, Council has brought positive change to the city. I am privileged to have been part of a dynamic team that has accomplished much. As I launch my bid for re-election, I want to review some of these accomplishments with you:

We've invested in our neighborhoods. The city has

· Invested in partnerships to renovate housing and restore homeownership.
· Provided traffic calming, permit parking, and major renovations to city parks.
· Reorganized City Hall to focus on neighborhoods with our new Department of Neighborhood Planning and Development Services.
· Stepped up drug enforcement with the Street Hawks unit and the Jade Task Force.

We've invested in the city's economic future. The city has

· Nurtured the success of the Downtown Mall and the West Main Street technology corridor for a strong economy and future jobs.
· Partnered with business and educational institutions for workforce development, particularly for inner city residents.
· Guaranteed a Living Wage for city employees. (I'm proud to have stood with UVA's Labor Action Group to speak out for a Living Wage at UVA.)

We've kept our tradition of equal opportunity for all citizens. This council has

· Hired more qualified minorities for top City jobs that at any other time.
· Strengthened African-American presence on the School Board, and supported Affirmative Action at UVA.
· Supported broader Hate Crime Laws to protect sexual minorities. (I was privileged to have sponsored this resolution.)
· Named the West Main Street Bridge after Drewary Brown to recognize his legacy to our community.

As a Councilor, I've also brought special strengths and interests to city government. I am especially proud of the contributions I made by investing energy and expertise in:

Founding Computers4Kids, a non-profit program which has helped hundreds of area kids gain access to technology. Computers4Kids recently received a large federal grant for computer education and mentoring for low-income families.

Leading the way in transportation planning, emphasizing the role of high quality public transportation for a livable community, and serving as President of the Virginia Transit Association ( I've joined forces with others across the state to campaign for new passenger rail service. I led the Fontaine Avenue Task Force, which gave citizens a voice in designing Fontaine Avenue improvements.

Working to increase regional cooperation. As a member of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission and the Thomas Jefferson Partnership for Economic Development, I've worked on new initiatives to protect the Rivanna watershed, cooperate on workforce training, and promote sustainable development.

Creating new initiatives to preserve and promote our Historic Heritage, launching the Court Square Preservation Initiative with $750,000 initial funding, and developing plans for a Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center.

While sitting on Council, I've had to make difficult choices on controversial issues.

I support the two-lane Meadowcreek Parkway because it relieves traffic flow through city neighborhoods and provides a new corridor for access to downtown and for public transportation. At the same time, I was a member of the Design Alternatives Committee that hired Will Rieley to create a downsized and environmentally sensitive plan. I've promoted cooperative land purchases to add a linear park along the roadway and enhance the recreational uses of McIntire Park.

I oppose Reversion because it is not an effective tool for consolidation, it weakens minority voting strength, and throws the city and county into expensive and contentious litigation.

With your help, I will continue my work on City Council for a second term. I am asking for your support, and for you to come to the Democratic Mass Meeting in February to help nominate me for re-election. I've been privileged to serve on a fantastic Council team that has maintained Charlottesville's tradition of good management, honest government, and progressive Democratic leadership. Thank you for your support.

Yours truly,

Meredith Richards
Vice-Mayor, City of Charlottesville

1621 Trailridge Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903. Phone: 984-1578. E-Mail: Authorized by Meredith Richards.

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