Archives - Sablinskys Find No Fault With Pfaltz
April 2000
Elections 2000: Sablinskys Find No Fault With Pfaltz
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In a letter to The Daily Progress printed April 16, 2000, Walter and Content Sablinsky ask, "Are you a Democrat who has long been uneasy about the lack of two-party representation on Charlottesville City Council? If so, you may be one of many out there who feel this way. Although we are both Democrats, we have decided to back John Pfaltz, Republican candidate, in the City Council election."

John Pfaltz, they say, "has exciting plans for tackling head-on such problems as traffic in residential neighborhoods, real estate taxes and parking near the Downtown Mall..."

They close by saying, "We and others are launching a grassroots Democrats and Independents for Pfaltz campaign. We urge you to join and help us elect John Pfaltz to a City Council seat May 2."

On the same page of The Daily Progress, the header for the Editorial reads, "City must not refight, undo parkway vote." [On January 26, 2000, John Pfaltz is quoted by Davide Dukcevich as saying "that construction of the controversial road should be postponed until a regional transportation plan is in place." John Pfaltz is a member of Sensible Transportation Alternatives to the Meadowcreek Parkway.]

For myself, I believe that the city has been fortunate to be so ably represented by Democrats these past few years. And I support the three Democratic nominees, Meredith Richards, Maurice Cox, and Kevin Lynch, for City Council without reservation.

I also support the editorial position of The Daily Progress that "Any attempt to undo the [City Council's parkway] decision now that the state has spent well more than $1.5 million to plan and implement it would be very costly, divisive, counterproductive and wrong." And I see no reason to put Republican John Pfaltz into office, especially given his position on Meadowcreek Parkway.

Nonetheless, if you have comments about the grassroots Democrats and Independents for Pfaltz campaign or about the relevance of the Meadowcreek Parkway vote for the current city council race, send them to and the most representative will be posted.

Also, look out for political ads by "Independents and Democrats for Pfaltz" campaign in the Charlottesville/Albemarle Tribune and Daily Progress (this week) and in the Charlottesville Weekly and Charlottesville Observer next week (Content Sablinsky, electronic mail, April 18, 2000).

To date, comments from Rey Barry, Rich Collins (1 & 2), Paul Gaston, Martha Gleason, Dave Norris and Lloyd Snook have been received.

Comments? Questions? Write me at