Archives - Downing Smith Comments on 1970 UVa 'Riot'
December 2003
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Comments on 1970 UVa 'Riot'
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Some more on the 1970 "riot". The US had just invaded Cambodia. The half dozen radicals on the grounds called for the school to close down. It was a beautiful spring and most people thought the idea of not taking exams was great. I in particular was way behind in all my classes because of a two week Rugby tour in England and Scotland. It was more like a big party. Somehow I was appointed a student marshall to keep the peace between the students and the police. This worked out well because I knew many students involved in the protest and I knew many of the police because of my father being Commonwealth's Attorney or having gone to high school with them.

I believe the "massacre" happened on Saturday night. As luck would have it, William Kunstler had been scheduled to speak by the law school. He brought some one with him, I believe Abby Hoffman. Because of the protest the speech was moved to University Hall. Kunstler called for a march on Carr's Hill. I along with other student marshalls and members of the football team blocked the front door to Carr's Hill. After Kunstler gave another speech the crowd broke up.

I am a long time friend of the Shannon family. When Edgar and Eleanor first moved to Charlottesville, when I was about 3 or 4, they rented a cottage from my Grandmother. Edgar was out of town and Eleanor was there with her 5 small daughters. She asked me if I would spend the night. I slept through the whole event that was unfolding about 100 yards away. Apparently the remainder of the crowd was blocking the intersection of Rugby and University and not letting cars pass until they honked for peace. The police who were running out of patience told the crowd to disperse. When they didn't they started arresting everybody and herded them into a moving van. Just about this time the Restoration Ball was letting out of the Rotunda so they arrested lots of people in evening gowns and tux.

I guess this is about as close as we have ever come to the People's Republic of Berkeley.

Downing Smith (electronic mail, December 27, 2003)

See also Downing Smith Responds to Russell Richards.

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