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The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Eleanor Bosworth Shannon was born in Memphis in 1925 and took a B.A. at Sweet Briar College in 1947 and an M.A. at Cornell University in 1949; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shannon, then Miss Bosworth, was Assistant Professor of History and later Acting Dean of Women at Southwestern College in Memphis; and WHEREAS, Eleanor Bosworth married Edgar Finley Shannon, Jr., a native of Lexington and a member of the faculty of Harvard University, in 1956; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Shannon moved to Charlottesville in 1956 when Mr. Shannon joined the English Department of the University; and WHEREAS, Mr. Shannon was elected President of the University in 1959; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shannon was in every way the "first lady" of the University from 1959 to 1974, serving the institution in countless ways and advancing its cause; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shannon's service to the University was recognized in 1972 when she received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shannon's lifelong interest in learning was represented by her service on the boards of trustees of Sweet Briar College and Rhodes College, by her participation as a founder of The Learning Center in Charlottesville and by the foundation which she and Mr. Shannon and others created, The Edgar and Eleanor Shannon Foundation for Excellence in the Charlottesville-Albemarle Schools; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shannon died in Charlottesville on March 3, 2000; RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors celebrates the life and achievements
of Eleanor Bosworth Shannon, particularly her service to the University
of Virginia, notes with profound sorrow her death and expresses its deepest
sympathy to her family. " (Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
April 14-15, 2000)