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In the recent National Symposium on Character in Politics, Former Watergate special counsel Sam Dash distinguished between the media as filters of news, conduits of news, and makers of news. Eric Alterman [in Sound and Fury (New York: Cornell University Press, 1999)] has made an eloquent case for turning away from pretense of objectivity toward a journalism of engagement as a way of engendering community conversation. The April 4-10, 2000 edition of C-Ville Weekly showcases the line-up of candidates for Charlottesville's City Council (page 19) and now has a weekly column by Coy Barefoot (barefoot@cstone.net) called 'Council Beat'. In that issue, C'Ville Weekly says that "'to [Meredith Richards] detractors in Democrats for Change, [her] very public service has made her Public Enemy #1. If she wins in May, it'll be over their dead bodies'" (C-Ville Weekly, April 4-10, 2000). David RePass, Maurice Cox, and Kevin Lynch have responded that C-Ville Weekly is "'dead wrong'" and that "'activists from Democrats for Change [have] joined with other party activists and are working together to ensure that all three Democratic party candidates win [in May's election].'" The threesome close by saying that "'You [i.e. C-Ville Weekly] do the community a great disservice when your presentation of information about the candidates is not based on fact.'" For my own part, I have found the leadership of Democrats for Change to be consistent in their support for the bona fide nominees for City Council of the Democratic Party. And, I myself, actively support all three Democratic candidates. If there are detractors, they have not contacted yours truly. If you have comments about whether the "information" which C-Ville Weekly has presented is masquerading as fact; about whether C-Ville Weekly is a filter, conduit, or maker of news; about the role of C-Ville Weekly in the community; and/or about whether this particular coverage of the city council race has done a disservice to the community, please send them to george@loper.org and the most representative will be posted. To date, comments have been received from Valerie L'Herrou.