Archives - Valerie L'Herrou Comments on C'ville Weekly's Role in the Community
April 2000
Media/2000: Valerie L'Herrou Comments on C'ville Weekly's Role in the Community
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Hello George...

Aah! a forum to discuss C-ville Weekly's role in the community! I think their own tag line during their underwriting announcement on WVTF says it all: "Angering 10 percent of our readership each week."

To boast of such a thing makes it obvious that the C-ville Weekly sees itself as a gossip-mongering, snide, sniping, "let's whisper something in each of their ears and watch them fight" scandal provoker rather than a responsible, considered, journal of record. It's really more of an entertainment sheet than a newspaper. I think all of its reporting needs to be seen in that light.

As an entertainment tabloid, C-ville Weekly does a great job. As an alternative newsweekly, it leaves much to be desired.

I can't think of a single person, of any political persuasion, who finds its news reporting responsible or balanced. It seems to delight in creating conflict and sensation. By continuing to report on actual news as if it were serious, it is violating the public trust. The C-ville Weekly is in a position to be of great service to the community. Unfortunately, its adolescent view of itself, and its seeming inability to choose to either be serious or to present all of its "news" in a way that makes it clear that it is tongue in cheek, goes beyond "disservice."

I sincerely hope that the C-ville Weekly either grows up or redefines its mission to what it does best: entertainment. Read as a cheeky arts paper, C-ville can be an enjoyable complement to a cup of coffee. Perhaps now that the Observer is under new ownership it can regain its role as the serious reporter of local issues, and provide a more serious version of the forum that C-ville purports to provide with such items as its recent feature on city council candidates.

Valerie L'Herrou (electronic mail, April 6, 2000)

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