I believe that Dave Norris and Julian Taliaffero should be respected
for supporting
the candidate who is for the best for Albermarle. I am a Democrat but
I will not be voting as the party says for Larry Claytor. I feel Chip Harding
has the ability to bring some new public safety issues to light with his
idea of watching for internet predators and still fulfill the standard for
Albermarle Sheriff that is expected by our citizens.
I would say that I believe Claytor has relied on the hope that enough Democrats
will feel party loyalty to elect him. It is a shame that his platform has
not even addressed achieving more for Albermarle residents. I think this
lack of action is going to be his downfall on election day.
I hope that Steven Rosenfield is the only one voting all by the party lines.
American citizens have freedom of choice and should not have to comply with
party candates.
I hope everyone votes for the individual versus the party title.
Tammy Londeree (Electronic mail, November 1, 2007).