Archives - Steven Rosenfield Comments on Endorsements
November 2007
Letters to the Editor: Steven Rosenfield Comments on Endorsements
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I just saw that Democrats Norris and Taliaferro have endorsed Republican candidate for sheriff Chip Harding. I am outraged. Here are two city leaders, identified as strong Democrats, publicly supporting a Republican. It is too easy to dismiss the notion that they are city Democrats so who they support in the county does not count. But, the media and the electorate know that they are prominent Democrats who think a county Democrat chosen at a county caucus is inferior to the Republican.

The city Democrats ought to remember these two when planning Democratic events, developing strategies and otherwise look to county neighbors for support. It is a slap in the face of all of us who are working so hard to get Larry Claytor elected Sheriff. Larry has remarkable credentials to be our Sheriff, but more importantly, he was at the polls working to elect Webb and Weed . . . I doubt Harding and his supporters did the same. I understand loyalty to a friend, if that was why Norris and Talifero decided to support Harding privately, but I think it contrary to who we are as a party to publicly endorse a rival. There is one Republican running for re-election for the Board of Supervisors who supports Larry, but who will not do so publicly.

Shame on Norris and Taliaffero.

Steven Rosenfield (electronic mail, November 1, 2007)

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