January 2009

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Center for Responsive Politics

Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton

The Pew Research Center

Project Vote Smart

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White House 2000

Letters to the Editor:
Harry Tenney Says War Crimes Trials are Important

Letters to the Editor:
David RePass comments on the oath-of-office screwup

Letters to the Editor:
Uriah Fields an eyewitness at the Inauguration

Barack Obama Inauguration:
Joseph Lowery: Inaugural Benediction

Barack Obama Inauguration:
Inaugural Poem: Praise song for the day

Barack Obama Inauguration:
Inaugural Address

111th Congress:
Perriello Reports to the 5th District January 19, 2009

Barack Obama Inauguration:
A Prayer for the Nation and Our Next President, Barack Obama

Virginia 57th House District:
Toscano Legislative Report January 19, 2009

2009 Virginia Governor's Race:
Terry McAuliffe at Zocalo

Rep. Tom Perriello:
Perriello Delivers First Floor Statement on the Economy

111th Congress:
Perriello Reports to the 5th District January 9, 2009

2009 Virginia Governor's Race:
McAuliffe Announcement Text