October 2000

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Related Sites
Center for Responsive Politics

Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton

The Pew Research Center

Project Vote Smart

Turn Left

White House 2000

Emily Couric:
Charlottesville Mayor Demands that Allen's Press Secretary Resign

U.S. Senate Race (VA) 2000:
Scott Mallonee to George Allen

Race for the White House 2000:
Open Letter to Gore from Moore

Race for the White House 2000:
Top Ten Reasons Why Gloria Steinem is Not Voting for Nader

Visiting Your Local Graveyard

Race for the White House 2000:
Independent Candidates with Ballot Status

Media 2000:
'The Observer' and Issue Advocacy Ads

Scary Candidates

United States Senate Race (NY) 2000:
Running Against James Carville, Hollywood and the Clinton Legacy

Campaign Humor:
A Song for George W. Bush

Political Culture:
Do You Find Oliver North Funny?

Letters to the Editor:
Goldman, Robb, Allen and 'Partial-Birth Abortion'

Letters to the Editor:
Abortion in the Year 2000

Race for the White House 2000:
Son of a Bush

Interest Group Ads:
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Unveils Television Ads

Letters to the Editor:
Lindsay Dorrier Speaks Out on the Conservative Coalition and on the Lost Art of Listening

Civil Society:

Virginia Sheriffs' Institute

Letters to the Editor:
Doug Little on Hillary and Bill's 25th Wedding Anniversary

Letters to the Editor:
Don't Count Robb Out/Vote Depends on Turnout

Letters to the Editor:
Republican Leader Says Republicans Are In Trouble

Campaign Finance:
Making the RNC Victory 2000 List