Archives - Hamilton Clancy Considers Comments by Randolph Byrd
February 2005
Letters to the Editor: Hamilton Clancy Considers Comments by Randolph Byrd
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Dear George,

In listening to the various voices on the Creigh Deeds' stand on gay marriage one element seems to be lacking in the conversation.

What is the best policy for the social order?

All of the discussion surrounds what will be the most SUCCESFUL strategy. Here, I believe, is the core of where we have lost our way in the Democratic Party.

We treat social issues like business commodities to be bought and sold at higher and lower prices depending upon the popularity of the opinion.

As several of your readers point out, this lacks conviction and does not inspire trust in leadership. It creates opportunity for others.

Our leaders are elected not to follow our opinions but rather to do what is best for the common good. We choose them to make hard decisions that we cannot make as a massive population. Fundamental to even the neo-cons viewpoint is the need for leaders to make decisions that give leadership even if they are unpopular.

How then stand we when our leaders are clearly trying to hedge committing "political suicide"?

This dilemma transforms itself into other issues rapidly.

In order for us to end the senseless death of young men in Iraq, some bold politicians will have to have their careers die a little also. The business of opportunism is not the business of leadership.

Take a strong stand. Evidence your vision.


Hamilton Clancy (electronic mail, February 13, 2005)

Editor's Note: See also comments by Joan Schatzman, Lloyd Snook, Valerie L'Herrou, Randoph Byrd, David RePass and Jan Cornell.

Comments? Questions? Write me at