Archives - Lloyd Snook Comments on Creigh Deeds' Vote to Restrict Marriage
February 2005
Letters to the Editor: Lloyd Snook Comments on Creigh Deeds' Vote to Restrict Marriage
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We Democrats need to stop sticking out our chins and saying, "Hit me. Right here. Hard. Again."

I understand the symbolic significance to the gay community of the constitutional amendment concerning gay marriage, but the reality is that it simply reflects the current state of the law in Virginia. It does not turn the clock back. Granted, it is, as Creigh has said, unnecessary and mean-spirited. But it is also an issue that 65% or more of the Virginia voting populace agree on. And it is an issue on which at least 10-15% of the Virginia voting populace are willing to base their votes in November.

We can all take the ideologically pure position against this amendment and consign ourselves to electoral irrelevancy for the next 4 years (or more). Or we can let our candidates have a little slack as they try to avoid being painted into a political corner.

There are a number of intellectually honest positions that candidates can take on the issue of the anti-gay marriage amendment. They can say -- as Creigh has -- that he wants people to have the ability express their feelings at the ballot box. That is the same spirit in which we all sign petitions for candidates to get on the ballot, for example. It doesn't mean that we are committed to supporting the candidate -- only that we want him or her to be on the ballot.

I decided long ago that I could not insist that Democratic candidates agree with me on symbolic issues, or they'd never get elected anywhere outside of Charlottesville. I am not going to insist that our candidates stick out their chins and invite a punch.

I have confidence in Creigh Deeds, and in what kind of a leader he could be if given the chance. Creigh needs to do what he needs to do.

Lloyd Snook (electronic mail, February 10, 2005)

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