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George, Miss Cornell reminds of reams of paranoid conspiracy theory cooks who post Earth Day signs on telephone polls thinking that paper on creosote will stop ozone from burning. It all feels so wonderful but it is based in such hatred and bias that the facts are lost in the confusion. 1. Sadaam was a weapon of mass destruction himself. Just ask the women he tossed in the plastic shredders. 2. WMD's have been found. 3. The economy is booming, job numbers are growing and business activity is on the rise. Don't ask me just read the governmental numbers. 4. Haliburton is the only company in existence that does what is does. Clearly Mr. Cheney owns no shares. And if you think he'd start a war to line the pockets of his friends, you are being a conspiracy cook. Go post a recycled shrub sign on someone's private property. (Whoops, sorry there is no such thing as private property.) 5. The Prison scandal is a bad thing. You always have a few bad apples. It is wrong and should not happen again. It does not violate the Geneva convention however. 6. Pharmaceutical companies of the US are the best in the world. They are saving lives at an incredible rate. They spend billions of dollars on Cancer, Aids and other research that extend all of our lives. Our healthcare system is the best in the world. The insurance doctors must purchase for fear of frivolous lawsuits is ridiculous and you know it's true. Call any doctor you know and ask them. Jan, if you have an ailment and need surgery just go to Canada, the UK or Mexico. I dare you. 7. The term "worker" is Marxist. (Oh ... Yeah ... Marxism is a bad thing) We do not have workers. We have employees and owners. The key is for the employee to work hard enough to ultimately become an owner. Please stop thinking of America in terms of a trapped class system where "workers" can never rise to a level of success and ownership. It happens every day and in America ... more so than any other country. In fact, it is the central beauty to our socio-economic system. Note: I have scrubbed pools, bagged groceries, flip burgers, laid dry wall and painted until I am blue all over. I understand 7$ an hour Mam. Do you? Or would you rather sit high on your perch looking down at the poor "workers" who are so stupid they cannot help themselves. They need your union like the need a hole in the head. Unions fool employees into believing they will be protected from market forces that no person can control. Sorry but it's called a free market economy, an economy without a worker class. Your arrogance is blinding. Tyler Sewell (electronic mail, July 14, 2004) * * * * * Jan Cornell Responds: George, I think Tyler Sewell is part of the four year nightmare we have been enduring. And in November, when America awakes from its slumber, he won't be here anymore! One can only hope. The end. AN ARROGANT WORKER Jan Cornell (electronic mail, July 14, 2004) Staff Union at the University of Virginia