Archives - Jan Cornell Responds to Tyler Sewell
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Responds to Tyler Sewell
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This is that woman from the Communications Workers of America again. Damn, us old whiners can't seem to be quiet. And my my MY these Republicans sure do get defensive over their illegally elected president! Thou dost protest too much I think!

I would like to remind Mr. Sewell of a few FACTS.

900 killed in Iraq-for what? 5000 maimed-for what? 10,000 Iraqi's killed-for what? We know now and we knew a year ago that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, had no WMD's, and in no way was our country in "imminent" danger but they sure have a lot of oil! Oh, maybe God told him to wage war. Be assured I would be the first to pick up a weapon to defend America. No one screws with my America!

The economy sucks. I know Shrub is touting all these jobs-too bad they are all low level service type jobs-WalMart, McDonalds, retail. All the good jobs are being sent to India and China to shore up THEIR economies. What about OUR economy and OUR workers???? Perhaps Mr. Sewell would like working for $7 an hour and being a greeter at WalMart? See how good he could support himself then.

Halliburton and other private contractors are getting all the rebuilding work in Iraq. And supposedly feeding our soldiers, doing their laundry etc. No one got to bid on these contracts, they were just handed over to them on a silver platter. I think they even ripped off our government by billing us for services our soldiers never received.

The prison scandal was deemed okey dokey by Donald Rumsfield and his gang of thugs. Hey, what's a little torture among friends? Now the whole world hates us and we have an even bigger target on our backs as Americans.

The healthcare crisis is because of zillions of dollars being given to the pharmaceutical companies, healthcare lobbyists, and insurance companies ripping off consumers. And I guess that it is OK if a doctor cuts off the wrong leg or gives a woman a mastectomy when she doesn't even have breast cancer. Or when a drunk driver leaves someone in a coma for the rest of his or her lives. DAMN those personal injury lawyers trying to help a patient and hold the God almighty doctor accountable.

I can go on and on but I hope he gets the point. I don't think this is being particularly liberal-this is just being a human being with true compassion.

So I will continue to "whine" until November, when the nightmare of the past four years will finally go away. And yes Mr. Sewell, I do think you are tragically UNinformed. But that is your right as it is my right to my opinions. Of course my opinions are based on facts. Not from FOX News or Rush Limbaugh or Ed Gillespie. And yes I do know some Repugs. We don't talk politics much. I'm not big on fear mongering that most of them say today. If George Bush was doing a good job then none of us would have to be afraid of another 9/11 attack. Instead we should be very afraid but we cannot let fear run our lives. Or our political process.

Jan Cornell (electronic mail, July 13, 2004)

A Proud Union Member and Democrat

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