Archives - Dare we say, Trivia?
February 2004
2004 Charlottesville City Council Race: Dare we say, Trivia?
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In the spirit of keeping Democratic candidates for Charlottesville city council on their toes, the Loper website brings you the results of a little survey we just conducted.

We devised a number of questions which call for knowledge of facts - dare we say, trivia - about this community and its citizens. We have called the four announced candidates - two we interviewed, whose answers are below. Meredith Richards and Dr. David E. Brown declined to participate.

These are questions of the kind that, if you need to know the answer, someone will tell you--or you can easily look it up (except for one question, about which more later). They are, for the most part, not the kind of thing that even the most earnest citizen would be expected to know off the top of his or her head, unless they had a special interest in the subject.

Here are the questions and each person's answers, edited for the printed screen. The rules are, no looking stuff up, and no calling back later with the right answer. Test yourself as you browse - answers are at the bottom.

Then, take a look at how candidates for city council in Santa Fe, NM, answered a survey in a similar pop-quiz.

Kevin Lynch

What do you think is the median age of a citizen of Charlottesville - half the people older, half younger?
I don't know for a fact-it's probably late '30s? Oh, median - Let's say mid-30s.

What part of the population of Charlottesville is 65 or older?
I have no idea-it's got to be less than 20% - say, less than 15%

CTS runs how many days a week? 5, 6 or 7?

From what 3 foreign countries do most tourists visiting Charlottesville come?
I admit ignorance of this-so I'll just guess - France, Italy and Canada.

Of all the measured metropolitan areas in the US, where does Charlottesville rank?
Down around 250, I believe. I really don't know.

How much did the population grow from the 2000 Census to the latest estimate?
It's about 40,000. [Kevin here gives an answer that is long, detailed and frankly, not at all in keeping with the trivial nature of the exercise. Suffice it to say that it entailed a critical analysis of both Weldon Cooper numbers and US Census data.]

What percentage of people in Charlottesville live in rented quarters?
A little over half.

About 20,000 people commute daily to jobs in Charlottesville. What percentage do not use an automobile?
I know I've heard 16% or so walk; I don't know how many use the bus - let's say, altogether, 20%

What is the median family income in Charlottesville, and how does that compare with Albemarle County?
Median family …? For Charlottesville, I'm guessing high 30s, and for Albemarle high '50s

Kendra Hamilton

What do you think is the median age of a citizen of Charlottesville - half the people older, half younger?
I don't know, I'd just be guessing - I do know there are a lot of elderly people.

What part of the population of Charlottesville is 65 or older?
Gosh, you know … I'll guess 20%

CTS runs how many days a week? 5, 6 or 7?
Well, I know they run 6 days - there's a bus that runs outside my window. It's possible they run 7 and I don't know it-they ought to run seven if they don't.

From what 3 foreign countries do most tourists visiting Charlottesville come?
I have no idea--I worked at Monticello and I heard a lot of British accents, so I'll say UK. French accents - but the third one? Maybe Aussies?

Of all the measured metropolitan areas in the US, where does Charlottesville rank?
I have no idea.

How much did the population grow from the 2000 Census to the latest estimate?
I really don't know.

What percentage of people in Charlottesville live in rented quarters?
My understanding is, it's 40% home ownership - that's something that is going to vary a lot by neighborhood, you know - some places it's 90% renters.

About 20,000 people commute daily to jobs in Charlottesville. What percentage do not use an automobile?
I would imagine it would be rather low-I'll guess 10 or 15%

What is the median family income in Charlottesville, and how does that compare with Albemarle County?
Well, I know ours is lower. I'd think it would be about $40,000 for the city and maybe close to $60,000 for the county.


What do you think is the median age of citizens of Charlottesville - half the people older, half younger?
Surprisingly young - about 27 years of age.

What part of the population of Charlottesville is 65 or older?
About 10%.

CTS runs how many days a week? 5, 6 or 7?

From what 3 foreign countries do most tourists visiting Charlottesville come?
Here's the ringer - we have not been able to find this information, which seems important to know, in a city that is a destination.

Of all the measured metropolitan areas in the US, where does Charlottesville rank?
The population of our market region, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, ranks number 194.

How much did the population grow from the 2000 Census to the latest estimate?
The population of 39,800 or so, as given by the Weldon Cooper Center, is reported to have dropped by 300 from the Y2K census to the end of 2002.

What percentage of people in Charlottesville live in rented quarters?
About 53%. Forty-one percent live in homes that they own, and another 16% live in group homes or institutions.

About 20,000 people commute daily to jobs in Charlottesville. What percentage do not use an automobile?
Again a surprise - the 2000 Census shows about 26% of the commuters walk, ride a bike, motorcycle or scooter or take public transportation.

What is the median family income in Charlottesville, and how does that compare with Albemarle County?
City $31,000; County $50,000.(Dave Sagarin, February 4, 2004)

Comments? Questions? Write me at