Signs of the Times - John Kerry Supports True Patriotism
November 2003
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John Kerry Supports True Patriotism

John Kerry at the Charlottesville Ice Park, August 16, 2003 (photo credit: Matthew Loper)

"I believe the patriotism of Americans can show that the flag of United States does not belong to any President or party, it does not belong to any ideology, it belongs to all of us as Americans." (John Kerry, Announcement Speech, Faneuil Hall Rally, September 05, 2003)

Earlier, in Norfolk,Virginia, Kerry "appealed to veterans, saying true patriotism is "keeping faith with those who wore the uniform for their country."

He called for better financing for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He also outlined a program that would allow veterans better access to prescription drugs and said those who earned a military pension shouldn't have any disability pay deducted from their pensions.

"I regret that this administration -- which is quick to wave the flag and quick to talk about patriotism -- has also been so quick to turn their back on those needs," Kerry said, next to a memorial for sailors near the battleship Wisconsin at Nauticus." (Terry Scanlon and David Lerman, Newport Daily Press, August 17, 2003)

Note: Taking care of our flag is like taking care of our country. What is important to you? Is there a statement you would like to make? A cause you would like to advocate for?

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