Signs of the Times - Kevin Cox Says, 'Just Compost More'
June 2003
Letters to the Editor: Kevin Cox Says, 'Just Compost More'
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Don't pay more to get rid of your trash because the trash tax stickers doubled in price, just compost more!

"Compost happens" and it happens a lot in my backyard! The credentials for my certification as a Compost Whacko are in: I mow my neighbors lawns for free so that I can take the grass clippings. Friends leave gifts of bagged yard waste in my front yard. I dash to Higher Grounds at 6:30am to pick up used coffee grounds. All of my family's food waste goes into the compost. By the end of the summer I'll have a mountain range of wonderful, rich, black gold to use as mulch and soil builder. A mountain of stuff that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill somewhere. It'll be beautiful humus that I can use to create rich, vigorous habitat for my plants instead of paying to watch it go to waste.

If people don't want to pay more to get rid of their trash then let them make compost!


Kevin Cox (electronic mail, June 6, 2003)

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