Signs of the Times - Dennis Kucinich Champions a Workers' White House
December 2003
Show Your Colors: Dennis Kucinich Champions a Workers' White House
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Dennis Kucinich Champions a Workers' White House

Dennis Kucinich, 2003 (courtesy of Gary Leonard)

"This election is about your right to have a government you can call your own, a people's President, a Workers' White House.

You are the "people" to whom the spirit of Lincoln speaks today. You in this room and you, who clean the streets of snow, who pick up the garbage, repair the potholes, keep the tap water running, keep the lights burning, and put out the fires. You, who plant and grow America's food, who sell the food in supermarkets, who prepare and serve it in restaurants. You, who drive the trucks and buses that deliver people and goods. You who work at the post office and deliver the mail. You who protect our neighborhoods. You who protect the future by educating our children. You who protect our health, who nurse the sick. You who make steel, who make machines which turn the wheels of society, make cars coursing through the streets of big cities, make trains which stream across the country side, and planes which soar through the air. It is you and you. You are the people of whom Lincoln spoke when he proclaimed a government of the people, by the people and for the people." (Dennis Kucinich, the Iowa AFL-CIO, February 17, 2003)

Note: Taking care of our flag is like taking care of our country. What is important to you? Is there a statement you would like to make? A cause you would like to advocate for?

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For more, see The Workers' White House.

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