Archives - David Toscano in old photos
February 2019
Blast from the Past: David Toscano in old photos
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    David with Dick Gregory
    David Toscano, right, with Dick Gregory at the March Against Drugs, Charlottesville, July 11, 1992

    david toscano

    Circumstances not recalled, Charlottesville, Autumn 1999


    A gaggle of former mayors at a City Council campaign kickoff, April 30, 2004

    Dedication of Free Speech monument

    With Bob O'Neil at the dedication of the Monument to Freedom of Expression, April 20, 2006

    more dedication

    With Josh Wheeler, John Grisham, and Bruce Sanford at the dedication

    Men Who Cook

    At "Men Who Cook," March 15, 2008

    With Lloyd Snook

    With Lloyd Snook at an event, August 27, 2009

    with Creigh Deeds

    With gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds, November 2, 2009

    terry, tom, and david

    With gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe and former Congressman Tom Perriello, June 29, 2013

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