Archives - Periello campaign fundraising going well
July 2010
2010 Virginia Fifth District Race: Periello campaign fundraising going well
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From the Perriello Campaign

Perriello Campaign Breaks New Fundraising Record, Raising $2.3 million for 2010 cycle

Campaign Fueled by Grassroots Support, with 97% of Donations Below $200

July 12, 2010—Ivy, VA—The Perriello campaign announced today that, because of Congressman Tom Perriello's strong grassroots support in the 5th district, it has raised more than $660,000 in the second quarter of 2010, breaking their record from last quarter and bringing their cycle total to almost $2.3 million. The campaign surges into the summer with $1.7 million cash on hand, enabling them to reach more voters and quantifying the wide support Perriello receives from across the district.

Continuing to reject funds from federal lobbyists and corporate PACs, the campaign reported that individual donors made more than 98% of contributions this quarter. Other freshmen representatives from similarly competitive districts have received an average of $250,000 in contributions from federal lobbyists and corporate PACs this cycle.

The campaign is gaining momentum, with 62% of contributors giving for the first time and 97% of donations below $200, demonstrating the success of the campaign's grassroots support. The campaign has received contributions from citizens in every one of the district's 22 localities.

Lise Clavel, campaign manager for the Perriello campaign, said, "We are humbled by the outpouring of support from thousands of Virginians who have sent in $10 and $20 donations to support Tom's re-election bid. They know that Tom is working the double shift he promised to bring back jobs and economic relief for working families. Our campaign is in the strong position it is today because of the incredible enthusiasm and generosity of Virginians who are excited to have a congressman that fights for them, not the special interests."

In addition to its strong grassroots fundraising, the campaign has amassed a formidable field program, engaging almost 1,000 volunteers from around the district in their six offices. So far, campaign staff and volunteers have made over 150,000 phone calls, knocked on over 17,000 doors, and tithed over 270 hours to local charities.

Editor's Note: Filing deadline for the period is Thursday, July 15

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