Archives - Getting to Fifty-One: Greg Werkheiser
September 2009
2009 Virginia Delegates Races: Getting to Fifty-One: Greg Werkheiser
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If Democrats can take six additional seats in the House, they will have a one-seat majority in the next term, which will include the excrutiatingly important redistricting of the state following the decennial census. Here's one race to watch, in the attempt to gain six additional House seats.

Greg Werkheiser is running in the 42nd District (Springfield and southern Fairfax County) against incumbent (since 1994) Republican David Albo. He ran against Albo four years ago and came within less than 4 percentage points of winning then -- in a district that is trending even more strongly Democratic now. Democrats see no way to take back the majority if they can’t win this district. "Greg Werkheiser is cofounder and Executive Director of the Phoenix Project, a statewide nonprofit organization that educates and engages Virginia's next generation of social entrepreneurs on the front lines of the battle to revitalize Virginia's economically and socially distressed communities."*

Although Albo has a substantial edge in funds on hand as of August 31, momentum seems to be on the side of Werkheiser, who raised more than twice as much in the July-August reporting period.

Werkheiser (as of August 31)

Total raised for this race $ 315,000
Raised in July & August $ 114,200
On Hand for Final Push $ 80,200

Major contributors include Suzann W. Matthews, Edward Hart Rice, the state Democratic Party and the House Caucus


Total raised for this race $ 393,600
Raised in July & August $ 53,700
On Hand for Final Push $ 144,800

Major contributors: Chris Jones, Virginia Trial Lawyers PAC

(Dave Sagarin, September 16, 2009)

* from the Phoenix Project website

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