Archives - Getting to Fifty-One: John Bell
September 2009
2009 Virginia Delegates Races: Getting to Fifty-One: John Bell
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If Democrats can take six additional seats in the House, they will have a one-seat majority in the next term, which will include the excrutiatingly important redistricting of the state following the decennial census. Here's one race to watch, in the attempt to gain six additional House seats.

John Bell is running in the 13th District (parts of Prince William and Loudoun Counties) against incumbent Republican Bob Marshall. Marshall is notorious for (among other things) the Marshall-Newman anti-gay-marriage amendment to Virginia’s constitution. "John is a first-time candidate for this seat. He is a retired Air Force Major with strong progressive values and a commitment to common-sense transportation and economic solutions. The 13th District is increasingly Democratic -- Obama carried it by 50.3% and Sen. Warner won it with 59.1%. Still, it is very much an uphill climb as Marshall has a dedicated following of rigid right-wingers who can be depended upon to turn out for him."*

Marshall has a moderate edge in cash on hand from his war chest, but Bell has done pretty well in attracting donations.

Bell is also to be found on Facebook

Bell (as of August 31)

Total raised for this race $224,600
Raised in July & August $ 85,900
On Hand for Final Push $ 86,400

Major contributors include: EDJ Associates and Edward Hart Rice.


Total raised for this race $ 94,600
Raised in July & August $ 53,800
On Hand for Final Push $ 101,500

Major: contributors include Dominion Leadership Trust PAC and NCS Technologies

(Dave Sagarin, September 16, 2009)

* From the website

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