Archives - Getting to Fifty-One: Tom Shields
September 2009
2009 Virginia Delegates Races: Getting to Fifty-One: Tom Shields
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If Democrats can take six additional seats in the House, they will have a one-seat majority in the next term, which will include the excrutiatingly important redistricting of the state following the decennial census. Here's one race to watch, in the attempt to gain six additional House seats.

Tom Shields is the Democratic candidate in the 73rd Henrico & west end Richmond. He's the Director of the University of Richmond's Leadership in Education program, and an instructor at the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership. The incumbent, Republican John M. O'Bannon III, raised nearly double the donations of Shields in the recent reporting period, and has over four times the money available for the final two months of campaigning.

Shields (As of August 31)

Total raised for this race $ 133,400
Raised in July & August $ 43,400
On Hand for Final Push $ 48.800

Major contributors include the Democratic House Caucus and Britton P. Ellis


Total raised for this race $ 398,600
Raised in July & August $ 84,500
On Hand for Final Push $ 202,800

Major contributors include the Medical Society of Virginia and Marcus M. Weinstein

(Dave Sagarin, September 18, 2009)

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