Archives - Bell outraises Neff; Neff gets endorsements
September 2009
2009 Virginia 58th District House Race: Bell outraises Neff; Neff gets endorsements
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Here's an update on the race in the 58th House District.

   Raised July/August Total for this election On hand August 31
 Cynthia Neff

$ 28,800

$ 148,700

$ 83,700

 Rob Bell

$ 82,200

$ 681,700

$ 570,300

Neff, a Democrat, had contributions from 141 sources in the recent reporting period, including $50,000 from Sonia Smith and large donations from the House Democratic Caucus and the Road Back PAC.

Republican incumbent Bell had 344 donors. Among the larger contributors are Richard B. Gilliam, Barbara Fried, John Galbreath and Ted Wechsler.

Meanwhile, Cynthia Neff's bid for the House of Delegates got the endorsements this week of EMILY's List and the Women's Campaign Forum. These latest endorsements follow those from the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters, as well as the announcement of the endorsement of the Virginia Education Association at her press conference and education policy rollout at Woodbrook Elementary School last Tuesday.

(Dave Sagarin, September 21, 2009)

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