Archives - Jan Cornell says Virgil Goode Makes Us a Laughing Stock
December 2006
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell says Virgil Goode Makes Us a Laughing Stock
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Well, here we go again--referring to Mr. Goode's most recent faux pas.

Once again Virginia is the laughing stock of the country, the blogs, the op-eds. One more time folks wonder how in the world we could have re-elected this man. At least citizens woke up and tossed Allen out. Between this, the macaca incident and the passage of the marriage amendment, Virginia is looking like a racist, hate-filled bigoted state.

Those of us who work every day AGAINST this behavior are feeling furious at our so-called elected representatives in Richmond and in DC. I see also that the Chamber and the rethugs once again want to stand up against raising the minimum wage for our most vulnerable citizens at this years GA.

I think I am totally and utterly disgusted.

Jan Cornell (Electronic mail, December 20, 2006)

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