Archives - Mary Rodriguez Offers Her Support to Kim Tingley/Comments on Civil Rights Issues
May 2005
Letters to the Editor: Mary Rodriguez Offers Her Support to Kim Tingley/Comments on Civil Rights Issues
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I believe that Kim Tingley has the right idea in advocating a separation of civil marriage from the religious ceremony. Other countries, such as Mexico, do exactly as he suggests, with every couple required to obtain the government's blessing on their union, which confers all the civil rights and responsibilities of marriage. They are then free to have a religious ceremony, or not. If this practice were standard in the United States, we might avoid much of the acrimony and fear concerning the union of same-sex couples.

Already many churches willingly bless such unions, but none is, or ever should be, required to do so. Faith communities have always had the right to set the rules and conditions for their membership.

I have sat across from Kim Tingley over coffee and was impressed by the depth of his passion for justice, whether it is a matter of human and civil rights for the gay community, elimination of racial profiling, or affordable housing for every hard-working family. I am supporting him because I believe he will carry on Mitch's outspoken defense of fairness and justice for all.

Unfortunately, in this time of tight schedules and long hours for everyone, it is not possible for a candidate to speak personally to every voter. A new face on the political scene, especially, must make use of other methods to reach them and make his name known. I wish that Mr. Rossman, who seems so offended by these efforts, would invite Mr. Tingley to his house to meet a few of his neighbors and give them all a chance to know him. That's what my neighbor and I are doing in Birnam Wood.

Mary Rodriguez (electronic mail, May 28, 2005)

PS. Thanks to Bill Abbott for his insightful comment on "gay rights". Although it has become a shorthand term for "human rights" for the GLBT population, it may send an inaccurate message. All I want for my gay son is the same rights that his siblings have. That's why the national lobbying organization is called the Human Rights Campaign and the local group is Equality Virginia. Who can really object to the concept of equal rights for all people?

Editor's Note: Mary Rodriguez is a former Albemarle School Board member.

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