Archives - Adrienne Weinberger Asks for Suggestions for Democratic Party Strength and Success in the Future
January 2005
Letters to the Editor: Adrienne Weinberger Asks for Suggestions for Democratic Party Strength and Success in the Future
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Dear George:

Thanks again for keeping me up to snuff on area politics. I found Sherwood Ross' comments quite interesting. Clearly he is a person knowledgeable and experienced in national affairs. I would pose this question: Other than boycotting American made goods, what are Mr. Ross' positive suggestions for Democratic party strength and success in the future? Could people like him in our community hold a public seminar or form a consortium whose goals would be to address these issues and work specifically to bring success to the Democratic party and, more importantly, to make peace in this world?

Best wishes to you for the New Year.


Adrienne Weinberger (electronic mail, January 20, 2005)

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