Archives - Will Lyster Answers Lloyd Snook on the Ward System
September 2004
Letters to the Editor: Will Lyster Answers Lloyd Snook on the Ward System
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I think Lloyd Snook would make an excellent candidate for city council - his mentality is right along the lines of those that have run the city of Charlottesville for years. This is typically done by making sure citizens keep their comments brief and not allowing a full discussion unless you are on the other side of the dais...

1. State precisely, in one sentence, the problem (or problems) that you think a ward system would solve.

Elections would be less costly to the candidate and voter turnout would be increased. How's that for limiting it to one sentence, Lloyd? And it didn't take me twenty years to figure that out.

2. State precisely how you believe that a ward system would solve those problems.

Good thing the "one sentence limit" imposed by Lloyd Snook wasn't inserted above, because I have more than one: As far as keeping the cost down, candidates running for office would only have to get their name and issues out to voters in their specific neighborhood and ward. The cost of yards signs and campaign literature would be so minimal that it would really become feasible for citizens to actually run for office. This would encourage more people to run for office during each election and allow wards to hold their own debates to find the best candidate to represent their ward. More people running equals more ideas set forth and better demographic representation from city wards to benefit the city as a whole.

Most Republicans that live in the city won't or don't run because the odds are so insurmountable it will not make it worth it financially or socially. You immediately become a target of the entire Democrat Machine. They will mobilize and take great steps to find out everything about you and try to destroy your personal life - regardless of the cost. (A good example of this Democrat strategery is when the educated, insightful and talented Mr. Tyler Sewell (AKA Successful Businessman and all-around RWR**) writes to George, every single one of you Democrats gang up and assail him and use words like "...young Tyler..", or "Mr. Sewell doesn't know what's going on outside his little corner of the world...". Look, "Twinkie Tyler" does not need my back up on this website and can hold his own just fine, but you people need to use your intellect - not your thesaurus.)

The other reason is that city Republicans have jobs or own businesses that they tend to and don't have the time available that most Democrats have. A jobless/homemaker/spare-time Democrat does not serve the best interest of wealthy Republicans that live in the city. By using a ward system, rich* Republicans can have representation on city council. Likewise a rich Republican may not necessarily offer the best ideas/solutions for low-income, blue-collar families. If the city council were made up of all RWR's, a poor carpenter would have a better chance of running against him in a ward vs. city-wide.

Even though he/she is merely a ribbon cutter, I think the people of Charlottesville would enjoy electing the Mayor directly. The people as a whole might continually re-elect the same person Mayor year after year which would show satisfaction ratings for that office-holder and help them aspire to higher office. Democrats are still angry about President Bush being 'Selected' rather than Elected - yet, locally they forget that they 'Select' a new mayor every two years. Basically, it's "...whose turn is it? Not Rob Schilling's, he's a Republican. And besides we'll get rid of him next election. How about David Brown? Yeah, he was our party chairman and is due to be Mayor!!!"

3. State what alternatives to a ward system you have considered in an effort to find a solution to those problems, and why you reject them.

Lloyd, the alternatives are in place. At-large elections keep the one party on city council - be it all Democrat or all Republican and it doesn't offer proper representation for the people of Charlottesville. We all know that Charlottesville voters get up and go to the polls and vote for the [D] or the [R]. (Actually, the Republicans get up and go, Democrats are called, woken up and driven en-masse - I'll vote if you offer me lunch in the van).

Charlottesville should move to the Ward System to allow the average American man, woman, hermaphrodite, independent, democrat or republican, gay, white, negro, latino, asian, cripple, atheist, christian, retard, business-owner, or even a sucker of the taxpayer's tit to run for office.

Now, what can be wrong with that?

- Will Lyster (RWR) (electronic mail, September 17, 2004)

* Rich = Evil

** RWR: Normally Ronald Wilson Reagan or Right-Wing Republican but here it means Rich White Republicans.

Comments? Questions? Write me at