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George, After receiving several complaints from City Market vendors concerning the difficulty they were having in transacting business while Mr. Fields engaged in song and spoke in a loud manner on May 29th, the acting City Market director approached Mr. Fields and asked if he would be willing to sing or speak less loudly, or to move to a location in the same venue that would allow for Mr. Fields and the vendors to engage in their activities without distraction. After failing to reach a mutually acceptable solution, the acting director asked Mr. Fields to leave. He refused and the police department was called for assistance. Officers who responded to the call did not require Mr. Fields to leave but did once again discuss the possibility of Mr. Fields lowering his voice while singing or speaking. At that point, Mr. Fields left of his own accord. The City employees involved with this incident are very aware of the right to peaceable and orderly expression on the part of Mr. Fields and anyone else at the City Market, while also remaining sensitive to the needs of others in our community to engage in important public activities without undue interference or distraction. Parks and Recreation Director Michael Svetz has spoken with Mr. Fields about the incident and assured him that he is welcome to attend City Market, and that staff will respect and honor his right to engage in peaceable, orderly expression in the future. Maurice Jones, City Spokesman (electronic mail, June 9, 2004)