Archives - Showtime's 'American Candidate' Series Comes to Charlottesville
June 2004
Politics and Entertainment: Showtime's 'American Candidate' Series Comes to Charlottesville
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"Showtime has selected Charlottesville, Virginia and the University of Virginia Center for Politics to host one of 10 episodes of the network's new political reality series, American Candidate (

The purpose of the American Candidate series is for the American people to select a "People's Candidate," who they feel has the qualities and credentials to lead at the highest level. Contestants will face-off against each other in a series of challenges designed to test their political mettle.

[L-R] Montel Williams with Larry Sabato, University of Virginia, June 20, 2004

On Sunday, June 20, 2004, at 12:30 p.m., the Center for Politics will host the aspiring candidates, at Old Cabell Hall on the historic grounds of the University of Virginia. University Professor and Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato will co-moderate the debate, along with the American Candidate show host Montel Williams." (Press Release, Center for Politics, May 27, 2004)

At the Charlottesville debate, there will be 7 candidates. Candidates will be paired off to debate different topics, with one candidate debating twice (Jennifer Perry, June 17, 2004)

Courtyard by Marriott, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 19, 2004

"On Monday, June 21, 2004, the candidates will be turned loose in the city to secure support/votes in order to remain on the show. Rather than attending a multitude of formal events, the candidates will have the opportunity to attend a few smaller events, but will mainly work with local individuals and groups to structure their "campaign" in a way that maximizes their experience in Charlottesville. Each candidate will look to meet with and accept the volunteer help of interested individuals following the town hall meeting debate on Sunday, June 20.

The candidates come from very diverse backgrounds and represent a broad spectrum of political ideology. Interested individuals and groups are encouraged to attend the June 20 event in Old Cabell Hall at 12:30 pm and support their favorite candidate." (Matt Smyth, Center for Politics, June 17, 2004)

So far, no candidates have elected to run from Charlottesville. [See Candidate Search and type in Virginia as a preference item.]

Chrissy for President!

"When we spoke in March to Chrissy Gephardt, daughter of Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt, she told us: 'Who knows? Maybe one day I'll have political asperations myself.' Now she's displaying them as an 'American Candidate' - picked to compete with nine others on Showtime's latest reality TV iteration. The winner in this fake presidential race gets $200,000. 'I could use the money,' she told us.

With support from her father and Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), the 31-year-old lesbian activist made her 'campaign announcement' Tuesday night in Washington - her first challenge on the show, which will tape for the next five weeks. 'He loved it and thought it was a great idea,' Chrissy says of her father, a Democrat who has twice run for president. 'He's a pretty good role model to have.' (Except he never actually grabbed the brass ring.)

["'If anything, I'm adding to the Kerry campaign,' [Chrissy Gephardt] told PlanetOut Network. 'I'm actually talking about many of the ideas the Democrats stand for. In a roundabout way, I'm supporting the candidate. 'It's just a different form of discourse." (Christopher Lisotta, PlanetOut Network, June 8, 2004)]

Another possibly-soon-to-be-famous local who made it to the finals: [Independent] Malia Lazu, 27, a political organizer from Takoma Park, who proclaims on Showtime's site that she understands othe problems of the poor and aims to 'Put the 'Diva' in Democracy.' (Hmm. Divamocracy?)

Bruce Friedrich, 34, a PETA activist from Norfolk [and Green Party candidate], also is competing. 'Friedrich said Monday that appearing on the show is outside his comfort zone,' The associated Press reported, 'but that he's doing it because he believes 'animals deserve to have their interests considered.' His past PR stunts to raise animal rights awareness include passing out 'Unhappy Meals' to kids. [Bruce Freidrich describes himself as a pro-Nader progressive.]

'American Candidate' was created by R.J. Cutler, filmmaker behind 'A Perfect Candidate,' a documentary on Oliver North's unsuccessful bid for a Senate seat. The series debuts Aug. 1 [at 9 p.m. ET/PT]. We think that's sometime in the dog days of the silly season" (Richard Leiby, The Reliable Source, The Washington Post, June 10, 2004)

Note: A number of finalists have been chosen to participate in The American Candidate. The first task Showtime producers assigned finalists was to gather as many supporters as they could for a 7 p.m. rally Monday evening. "The two candidates who draw the smallest crowds will be eliminated while the others will move on to another yet-to-be-announced campaign assignment [probably in New Hampshire] (Scott Goldstein, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 9, 2004).

"Only eight of the 12 finalists remained to attend the show's first news conference Wednesday [in Allentown, Pennsylvania]. The show's producers were very tight-lipped about how the other four were eliminated...

The show's public tapings conclude today in Allentown with the candidates trying to win support and endorsements from public figures and local media.

Each candidate has a unique telephone number for his or her campaign. The candidates are busy passing out telephone numbers to anyone they meet. People who want to support any of the show's candidates may cast a vote from any telephone in Pennsylvania, but only one vote per telephone is allowed.

The telephone polls opened immediately following the Wednesday afternoon news conference and are to remain open until 4 p.m. today." (April Helmer, The Express-Times, June 17, 2004).

Other candidates include: Arkansas City native Joyce Riley, radio talk show host of The Power Hour (on Genesis Network) (Foss Farrar, The Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 2004); failed candidate for governor, city council and sheriff, Provo, Utah resident and Libertarian Richard Mack (Jesse Hyde, Deseret Morning News, June 10, 2004); former Clinton Administration staffer, lecturer and TV talk show regular and Democrat Keith Boykin (Christopher Lisotta, PlanetOut Network, June 8, 2004); Everett, Washington native and public relations vice president Lisa Witter (Victor Balta, The Herald, June 9, 2004); Republican Park Gillespie of Charlotte, N.C.; James Strock of San Francisco (Romy Varghese, The Morning Call, June 17, 2004).

Quotes from the Candidates

"We can't preach democracy and human rights abroad if we don't practice that at home." (Keith Boykin, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Animals get a very raw deal. They feel pain, just like we do." (Bruce Friedrich, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Now it's OUR turn." (Chrissy Gephardt, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Democracy isn't about some of us, but all of us!" (Malia Lazu, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"I would abolish the IRS. Freedom cannot survive such a Gestapo-like organization." (Richard Mack, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Government needs to be honest from the top down." (Joyce Riley Von Kleist, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Our common enemy is unchecked priviledge, our common weapon an active citizenry." (Lisa Witter, The American Candidate, June 12, 2004)

"Without the right vision the people will perish." (Park Gillespie, The American Candidate, June 17, 2004)

"The war on terror is real - and ongoing." (James Strock, The American Candidate, June 17, 2004)

See also Politics to Meet Reality TV on Cable's 'American Candidate , TV's 'Candidate' Aims to Get Non-Pros to Run , Medea Benjamin for President , David RePass' Open Letter to Larry Sabato About American Candidate , Alex Theodoridis Responds to David RePass Regarding 'American Candidate and Eight Candidates Roll Into Allentown, Pennsylvania and The 'American Candidate' a Hit at UVa.

For American Candidate Groups and Forums, see: BB5BBQ and Yahoo Group - the American Candidate.

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