Archives - Ham Caldwell Responds to Tyler Sewell
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Ham Caldwell Responds to Tyler Sewell
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Tyler Sewall is an especially noxious Repug of the beady of eye and slack of jaw school. I find particularly simplistic and insulting his bozo assertion that only Republicans wear boots and that the better educated you are the wronger you are. Most Repugs seem to only orally demonstarte their patriotism concerning the occupation of Iraq. Did old Tyler join the Virginia National Guard last week or urge his son or daughter to follow the flag to Iraq? Did Tyler rush to kill the Cong in Viet Nam? Sadly Repugs tend to put their mouth most vehemently where their ass fears to tread. Tyler, if you aren't willing to have you or yours do it, then don't talk about it.

The rush to war based on Iraqi WMD and 9/11 involvement was based on lies. The substitute Repug motivation of ending Saddam's undoubted brutality is based on hypocrisy of the rankest kind.

Saddam has been brutal since his rise to power about 36 years ago but the years when he filled the mass graves most rapidly were on the Repug's watch. After Saddam attacked Iran with the tacit approval of a Republican administration he was their favorite dictator. A younger side-burned Donny Von Rumsfeld was dispatched to see if we could give Saddam some more overhead reconaissance or anything else he needed. As a token of Repug esteem Von Rummy even ceremonially presented him with a pair of gold spurs. At the time Saddam was also using chemical weapons against both Iranians and Iraqi Kurds. Repugs looked the other way. The next peak of Baathist murder statistics was immediately after DESERT STORM when Doober's Daddy lost interest and Saddam whacked the Shi'ite Marsh Arabs in the south of Iraq.

Yessir! Hypocrisy is right up there in the Pantheon of Repug values with Ignorance and Greed. Tyler strikes me as a great spokesman for Hypocrisy and bone-deep Ignorance. It is impossible to tell where he stands on Greed. Tyler may just be a two-out-of-three Repug.

Thanks for the motivation, Tyler. It is knuckle-draggers like you who make it clear why young Doober and Virgil Junior must be crushed at the polls this November to protect our nation and preserve our liberties.


Ham Caldwell (electronic mail, July 14, 2004)

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