Archives - Greg Webb Comments on Lt Gen Boykin's Remarks and the Democratic Party
October 2003
Letters to the Editor: Greg Webb Comments on Lt Gen Boykin's Remarks and the Democratic Party
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Dear George,

I hope you will continue to follow this story as Lt Gen Boykin should not be punished for his remarks. Whether we like it or not, there is a religious element to the war that has been declared on the United States, and politicians like Chafee and Warner need to deal with reality, not just political reality. Democrats are willing to tolerate events like 9/11 and the Cole bombing, without fighting back, because they are not willing to deal with the hard issues. They just ignore them. Muslims, both in the US and abroad, need to know that there are Christians and Jews who will speak out and will not be intimidated by their techniques. Muslims in this country have watched and learned from the liberal media and so called “civil rights leaders” how to play the race card and manipulate the bias of the American media to their favor. But not everyone in this country is wracked with guilt and so easily fooled. I have studied Islam and have visited numerous Islamic nations and while many Muslims are passive, there are few moderates. The PM of Malaysia has long been considered a moderate but even this educated and astute individual is a whacko when it comes to his views of the Jews.

We are fortunate that the demands of military life means that few, if any, liberals will ever join their ranks. Their constant attempts to demean and degrade the status of the military actually works in our favor, ironically. "To sit home, read one's favorite newspaper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is what evil men count upon the good men's doing." --Theodore Roosevelt. This is the platform of the Democratic party today. I am ashamed I ever was one.

Gone is the party of Rayburn, Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt and those other giants who wanted to better the life of the poor working man. Now the Dems want to keep people poor in order to maintain their power base.

Greg Webb (electronic mail, October 23, 2003)

Editor's Note: For related article see Southern Baptist Pastors and Special Ops?

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