Archives - Sue Herndon's Letter to Buford Middle School Principal Timothy Flynn
March 2003
Letters to the Editor: Sue Herndon's Letter to Buford Middle School Principal Timothy Flynn
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Dear Mr. Flynn -

So far, you have handled my daughter really well. I have really admired how unflappable you have been in the face of her unbridled 12 year old passion. But this time, I'm just a little taken aback. She feels helpless in the face of an unjust war brought upon our nation by a man who, she feels, was given the presidency in a thoroughly unconstitutional manner (she came up with that one on her own through her sixth grade Civics class). A walk out would at least give her the feeling of power, that she could at least make a semi-public statement to let the leadership of our country know that they do not have to whole hearted permission of this country to do what they are doing.

Whether or not I agree with her, she has my permission to express herself in this manner. When we as Americans feel that our leaders are moving in the wrong direction, we have a right - no, a duty - to let them know we think they are wrong. That is what living in a democracy is all about. It takes hard work, and it takes courage. Hope, no matter how misguided she may seem at times, is not lacking in either of those qualities and for that I applaud her. When you threaten to punish her for her protest, you are not only missing a great opportunity for education, you are missing the point of what it means to be an American. I am trying to teach her the great responsibility that being a citizen of this country brings with it. Freedom is a wonderful, terrifying thing. We must teach our kids that it takes research, courage and passion to begin to face our responsibility to our country, and that they will not be punished for speaking and acting on their beliefs. I don't want to be at odds with you on this, but I believe that activism is an important part of citizenship and I will continue to support Hope in her efforts.

Peace -

Sue Herndon (electronic mail, March 20, 2003)

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