Archives - Bruce Williamson Comments on Code Orange and UVa Security
February 2003
Letters to the Editor: Bruce Williamson Comments on Code Orange and UVa Security
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Code Orange: A wider range of colors needs to be added to the "terror warning system" in the near future. The current system is gradually being comprehended by the populace, undercutting the Administration's ability to confuse, concern and divert us from recognizing the abject failure of Bush & Company to develop either a domestic or foreign policy with some chance of success. "Code Tangerine" worked well for W in Florida between early Novemebr and mid-December 2000, so I suspect he will stick to the scheme.

UVA Security: This really happened Saturday night. I attended the UVA-Duke men's basketball game with a friend who carries pepper spray for work purposes. When his coat was checked he was asked about the container. Staff expressed concern that alcohol was being brought in. When he explained it was merely a debilitating pepper spray, he was cheerfully waved in to University Hall. The good news is, if is hurt at a UVA event, the odds are the perpetrator won't be drunk.

Bruce Williamson (electronic mail, February 16, 2003)

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