Archives - Downing Smith Responds to Invitation for Comment On Communities of Interest and Meadowcreek Parkway
December 2003
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Responds to Invitation for Comment On Communities of Interest and Meadowcreek Parkway
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You have posed a number of interesting questions concerning the Meadowcreek Parkway, the easement, and the "communities of interest". I am going to take a shot at answering them. My qualitative opinions only.

1) Do you believe the interests of Charlottesville and Albemarle significantly differ with regard to Meadowcreek Parkway?

Absolutely! The County wants easy access to the city for its residents north of town and the ability to develop land in the Rio road area. The City is concerned with traffic congestion. The county does not care at all about the negative impact their actions have on the city. Going beyond the Parkway, the City and county's interests are different in many areas and the entities are fundamentally different. They are also politically different. The city is an outpost of liberals in the Virginia sea of conservatives.

2) (What)do you think of the City Council's representation of Charlottesville interests?

Kevin and Maurice have done and excellent job. Blake and Meredith have sold out the residents. Schilling should never have been elected. The county's elected representatives look out for the county and don't worry about the rest of the area. All of our representatives need to put the city first.

3) Do you believe the interests of the GOP, Charlottesville business owners and city councilors who have sought other public office intrinsically differ from other members of the Charlottesville community?

Absolutely. All business interests (which are primarily Republican) care about is making more money. People who live in the city want safety, clean air & water, good schools, and less traffic.

4) Do you expect to vote on that basis in the upcoming Charlottesville City Council election?

Absolutely! I also will campaign vigorously against candidates who don't represent my interests in the democratic primary. I think complacency on the part of the Democratic party & voters along with non support of Alex by Caravati and the "one shot" strategy used by the republicans gave us Schilling. Caravati was elected as being against the Parkway and has now switched over. Richards is looking at a constituency wider than the city limits. I will do whatever I can to make sure we elect people who will represent the people who live here.

5) Do you believe the interests of Democrats and Republicans in Charlottesville differ intrinsically on these matters?

Yes. Republicans are business owners and conservatives. Democrats are liberals. Republicans favor development. Democrats favor quality of life and social equity issues.

6) If so, do you believe Democratic and Republican office holders are adequately representing the interests of their own parties?

Kevin and Maurice are representing the democrats well. Blake and Meredith aren't. Schilling, though I don't agree with him on anything except the elected school board, is representing the Republicans well.

7) What do you think about city councilors commitments to move the parkway forward? Do you think that we will see the parkway in our lifetime?

If Schilling/Richards/Caravati win on the easement issue before the next election it is a done deal. I hope to live another 30 years and I think it will happen. Right now the county thinks they can get the parkway for free. I don't know when but eventually the county will want the road so badly that they will be willing to make concessions so the city will get a fair return for the assets it is giving up and compensation for the negative impacts. I don't know Cox but believe he is an honorable man. I do know Kevin and have spent some time with him recently listening to his views. Kevin Lynch is completely sincere in saying he will vote for the Meadowcreek Parkway if his conditions are met. He is not however going to give away our parkland for a bunch of empty promises.

Have a Merry Christmas,

Downing Smith (electronic mail, December 22, 2003)

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