Archives - Question List for February 16th Candidate Forum
February 2002
Charlottesville City Council Race 2002: Question List for February 16th Candidate Forum
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Question List for February 16th Candidate Forum

1) Citizens of Charlottesville often feel they are given the runaround on school issues. If they go to the School Board, it says that the problem is up to the City Council to resolve, and if they go to the City Council, it says that the issue is a matter for the School Board to decide.

Who is ultimately responsible for the school system in Charlottesville, the School Board or the Council? And as a Councilor, what would you do to assure that citizens knew where they could go to have their concerns about the schools given serious attention?

(This question is not about the day-to-day operation of the schools, but rather the overall policies of the school system, i.e. tracking, school maintenance schedules, eliminating the racial gap in academic achievement, etc.)

2) What is your position toward the use of the sodomy statutes for entrapment? What is your position toward the decriminalization of sodomy? And would you support asking our legislators to sponsor a bill asking for the decriminalization of sodomy?

3) What do you feel is the number one issue facing the Charlottesville City Schools and what solutions do you have for this problem?

4) What qualities would you like to see in the new superintendent?

5) Do you favor holding a referendum on whether Charlottesville moves from an appointed to an elected School Board? What is your position on an elected vs. appointed board?

6) How would you encourage a diverse and qualified group of individuals to apply for School Board vacancies?

7) Aside from funding, what are the City Council's responsibilities to the school system? Describe your perceived relationship between the City Council and the School Board.

8) Many issues confronting our school system cannot be resolved by the schools alone. How can various organizations work together to solve the problems faced by schools as a result of poverty and other disadvantages?

9) I have a question that could apply to all candidates but should be particularly addressed to Joan Fenton because of her repeated insistence that the City had to honor its commitment on the Meadowcreek Parkway.

"Do you feel the University and Albemarle County have always kept their word or honored their commitments? Do you believe Albemarle County (or at least its elected representatives) would ever do anything that wasn't it their own best interests to further the good of the entire area? Do you believe in would be your duty to put the good of city residents ahead of the area?"

10) For Bern: One has to be impressed by the positions you have held in government management, and, your insights and actions taken in those positions. You certainly have the bearing of in charge guy. However, the city Council does not work like that. How does your personality and accomplishments mesh with a team concept? ie Will you get along?

11) What are the most pressing issues confronting the Charlottesville public schools today and how would you address them?

12) What are some of the division's strengths and how would you capitalize on them?

13) What problems do you foresee in a school system where a large sector of children, at risk for academic underachievement, exist simultaneously with another large sector of children needing a high level of academic challenge? How would you address them?

14) What factors do you think contribute to a lack of parental involvement? What ideas do you have to increase parental involvement and build community at a school -- particularly at schools with large populations of underprivileged students? Why is this important?

15) What's your best idea for improving the city for $10,000 or less?

16) The term has been tossed around that Charlottesville is a "world class" city. How can that hold if the citys top twenty-five percentage of the academic performers in the schools are almost in their entirety white, and the bottom twenty-five percent are mostly black. How can a city totally democrat in its politics justify these figures without some evidence of vigorous Problem-Solving interventions to address this problem? How are you going to respond to this issue?

17) What are your ideas for how to address the needs of students at-risk for academic failure?

18) How would you encourage acceptance and tolerance for our diverse student body -- including the wide range of socioeconomic and ability diversity? In order to clarify the term "ability diversity," I am specifically referring to acceptance of students with disabilities.

19) When do you think the School Board should begin working on a strategic planning process to address the declining enrollment of the school system? Do you think that the potential for re-districting the elementary schools should be part of the discussion?

20) If you are elected to Council, you will participate in the next update of City Council's vision statement. Is there anything that you would want to change or add to this statement? Are there any sections which which you agree but would like to see greater emphasis or additional actions taken? Given that your own time is finite and that you are part of a team, in which areas do you see yourself taking a leadership role?

21) In this year's budget, the City is faced with a reduction in funding from the State of approximately 2 million dollars. Various social service agencies in the area will likely lose another 2 million dollars in State funding. How does the City continue to provide quality services without unduly increasing the tax burden on City residents? If revenues from the State continue to decline (as is likely) what will be your priorities going into next years budget process?

Comments? Questions? Write me at