Donald Trump had it right when he described
health care in the United States with the phrase, “It’s complicated.” And now
Republicans at both national and state levels are discovering how complicated it
President Obama’s significant legislative
achievement, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has survived a number of legal
challenges and been the law of the land since 2010. It made major changes in a
healthcare industry that represents 18 percent of the GNP, providing substantial
benefits to a wide variety of Americans, including thousands of Virginians. The
percentage of Americans with health insurance has risen dramatically. The law
allows families to cover their children on their health insurance plans through
age 26, and prevents insurance companies from discriminating against people with
pre-existing conditions. ACA established certain “essential health
benefits” that must be included in all insurance plans, and provided an
incentive for states to include more people in their Medicaid programs. It
established a mechanism by which working families could purchase health
insurance on “insurance exchanges” and receive tax subsidies to assist them in
doing so.
Trumpcare threatens to undo many of these provisions, and, in
the process, provide a major tax break to the wealthiest people in the United
States; the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that the Senate bill cuts
taxes by $1 trillion over 10 years, with one-third of that amount going to the
100 wealthiest families in America. This is not “repeal and replace;” rather, it
is an example of “cut and redistribute.”
In the last six years,
Republicans in the House of Representatives have voted to repeal the ACA over 60
times, and, when President Trump was elected, they believed that the time had
come to destroy the most significant piece of the Obama legacy.
On May
6, 2017, the House passed, by a 217 to 213 party line vote, a bill to repeal
many elements of the ACA. The Senate has struggled ever since with how they
would address the health plan. On June 22, 2017, after weeks of secret
negotiations, the Senate GOP released its own version of repeal and replace. It
remains to be seen whether their initiative can pass the Senate in its present
form. No major health provider groups--not physicians, nurses, hospitals, or
insurance providers--support these changes. The AARP opposes it because it will
hurt seniors in significant and perilous ways; their premiums are projected to
rise by over 20 percent.
Virginians Will Feel The Pain
implications for Virginia in the passage of either of these bills are likely to
be substantial, particularly in the Medicaid field. Not only will 23 million
Americans and over 400,000 Virginians lose insurance coverage, but the federal
cuts in Medicaid will blow a $1.4 billion hole in our Virginia budget over the
next seven years. It is projected that Trumpcare will raise premiums for
individuals by as much as 20 percent, increase deductibles, and hit elderly and
rural Americans the hardest--all to support a major tax break for the wealthy,
many of whom already have insurance through their work.
The Republican
mantra for years has been that “Obamacare is failing” because it leaves some
people with burdensome health insurance costs, and that insurance companies are
fleeing the marketplace in some parts of the country.
These assertions
are largely false. While the ACA has problems, the facts are clear. Health
insurance coverage has been expanded by more than 20 million people. Increases
in insurance costs since enactment of ACA have been well below historical
trends, and lower than predicted when the law was adopted. Millions of people in
need have been added to Medicaid in the states, with the result that they have
access to care in ways that they did not have before.
ACA is not perfect and there are certainly ways to improve it, which
have been detailed by many experts. But Republicans appear not to be as
interested in fixing the problems as they are in pushing the ACA
into a “death spiral,” in hopes that citizens will view the program as a
failure and as justification to eliminate it altogether. They have
been very effective in controlling the narrative
in this arena, but the public is catching on. Not only is Trumpcare
extremely unpopular, but in the eyes of Americans, Republicans now own the
healthcare issue.
Huge Cuts In Medicaid Will Hurt Virginia MORE
Than Most States As state policy makers are discovering,
Trumpcare will wreak havoc on the states, particularly in the area of Medicaid.
Under the Republican plan, federal support for Medicaid will either be capped on
a per-person basis or “block granted” to each state based on 2016 spending. Not
only will the impacts be immediate, but CBO projects even more dramatic
reductions in Medicaid in the next decade.
Virginia has been relatively frugal in
its Medicaid spending (we rate 47th in the country in spending per
capita). Because of this, we will receive less money proportionally than other
states under the new proposal, and our federal reimbursements will rise more
slowly. The numbers of our citizens requiring assistance, however, will not.
Since the largest share of Medicaid goes to help the elderly, and Virginia’s
elderly population is likely to double by 2030, a cap on federal contributions
will only place our state budget in greater peril. And when you consider that
the increase in the elderly population is disproportionately felt in rural areas
of the Commonwealth, we could see a cascading effect making those areas even
more economically challenged than they are at present.
Uncomfortable Challenges Ahead
If Trumpcare is passed, Virginia will be faced with the uncomfortable options of
removing recipients, eliminating benefits, reducing reimbursements to nursing
homes, hospitals, and caregivers, cutting other portions of our budget, or
enacting a tax increase. Using 2016 as the baseline for Medicaid
reimbursement would likely eliminate some of the programs that we recently
enacted, including our Addiction Recovery and Treatment Services (ARTS) program
designed to address Virginia’s opioid epidemic. It would also jeopardize
our bipartisan efforts to increase services for our intellectually and
developmentally disabled citizens.
Whether Republican leadership in Virginia
will summon the political will to oppose these policies is not yet clear.
Several leaders from Virginia’s budget committees have indicated their concern
about the proposed ACA repeal, but, aside from these notable exceptions, there
has been deafening silence. To remain silent in the face of proposals that will
clearly hurt Virginia is a mistake, and we instead should be doing all that we
can to educate our citizens and our leaders about the implications of a failure
to stop the US Senate and House proposals. We should not sacrifice access
to insurance to fund tax benefits for the wealthy.
Del. David Toscano (June 30, 2017)