Archives - Ken Starr, Ironically
May 2016
Blast from the Past: Ken Starr, Ironically
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Ken Starr at the UVa Center for Politics

Ken Starr speaking at the National Symposium on Character in Politics at the UVa Center for Politics some years ago.

 In 2010 Ken Starr became the President and Chancellor of Baylor University, and a prof in the Law School. Baylor is a Baptist institution in Waco, Texas, with a noted football program.

In the 1990s, Starr, having served as Solicitor General under President Bush 41, was appointed special counsel in a succession of investigations aimed at the Clintons--Whitewater, Vince Foster, and ultimately, Monica Lewinsky. Look them up, if memory does not serve.

It has recently come to light that sexual abuse by members of the Baylor football team has been rampant, swept under the rug by the school's administration. Following an investigation of complaints, Richard Willis, chair of the Baylor Board of Regents, has said

We were horrified by the extent of these acts of sexual violence on our campus. This investigation revealed the University's mishandling of reports in what should have been a supportive, responsive and caring environment for students.

Ken Starr is still the Chancellor and a Professor, but no longer President.

 Update June 1: Starr has now resigned as Chancellor as well. He continues to teach in the law school.

Dave Sagarin (May 31, 2016)

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