Virginia is One Election
Away from Becoming North Carolina
Many Virginia citizens are actively engaged
in the 2016 presidential race and Congressional races down-ticket from the
Clinton/Trump contest. But as we focus intensely on the national races, we
should not ignore the state gubernatorial and legislative races, including those
which will occur in Virginia next year.
The conservative movement in this country
recognized a long time ago what many of us who seek common-sense solutions to
everyday problems in an atmosphere of civility and genuine political exchange
have neglected at our peril, and that is that
states matter!
The statistics clearly bear this out.
According to the Pew Research Center, Republicans have been very successful in
electing their candidates to state legislatures in the last decade. The GOP
gained 721 state legislative seats in 2010 and has continued to build their
margins in the succeeding years. In 2009, Republicans controlled both
legislative chambers in 14 states; by 2015, they had 30. They now control 70 of
99 legislative chambers. The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) is
committed to spending in excess of $100 million to expand their margins.
Our Southern Neighbor
Where Republicans have taken over, the
results have been dramatic. Witness our close neighbor, North Carolina. In 2008,
the state chose Obama for president, but by 2011, both the House and the Senate
in the state had flipped to Republican control. With Republicans in control of
redistricting, they drew new lines that further solidified their election
victories, and began their “conservative revolution.” In August 2012, North
Carolina banned the state from basing coastal policies on scientific predictions
of sea level rise. A Republican governor was elected in 2012 and the state took
a dramatic turn to the right.
In February 2013, North Carolina cut maximum
weekly unemployment benefits by 40 percent, from $530 per week to $350 per week,
and shortened the period of time when workers could receive the benefits, at a
time when North Carolina’s unemployment levels were approaching 10 percent.
Under the guise of “tax reform,” the state
imposed a greater tax burden on the middle class. It repealed “teacher tenure”
for any teacher hired after July 2013, invested more taxpayer dollars in
“private school vouchers,” and repealed many of the measures previous
legislatures had passed to increase voter participation throughout the state.
In 2015, North Carolina reduced a fine on
Duke Energy from $25 million to $7 million in the aftermath of 40,000 tons of
toxic coal ash and 27 million gallons of wastewater being spilled into the Dan
River from the company’s defunct coal plant. In 2015, the legislature abolished
a wildly successful solar investment tax credit, which had generated substantial
revenue for the state and created thousands of jobs. The legislature and
Governor approved the termination of the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit, a
program hailed by Ronald Reagan as the most effective anti-poverty program that
we have in this country. Almost one million low-income North Carolinians were
affected. The president of the University of North Carolina was ousted and
replaced by a former Bush appointee, Margaret Spellings.
Then, in late March 2016, the conservative
turn became national news when, in a Special Session that took less than 12
hours, the state passed a bill that not only prevented localities from enacting
anti-LGBT discrimination measures, but made it more difficult for any person to
enforce claims of discrimination in state courts. The publicity from its
so-called “bathroom bill” has generated protests around the nation and has
prompted many businesses to stop expansion plans in the state or consider
While our state elections are another 17
months away, the actions of our neighbor to the south show what can happen in
the absence of the checks and balances of divided government. And we are not
even talking about the next regular redistricting process, which will occur
under the scrutiny, and potential veto, of the next governor. Clearly, a lot is
at stake.
The "Virginia Way"
In Virginia, we celebrate the so-called
“Virginia Way.” The Virginia Way implies a civil approach that embraces moderate
changes focusing on core services of government and supporting a good business
climate. For years, Virginia had “divided government;” Democrats and Republicans
each controlled either the House, Senate, or Governorship. In addition, there
was a group of moderate Republican Senators who would stop some of the most
socially regressive legislation passed by the Virginia House of Delegates from
ever getting to the Governor’s desk. Unfortunately, most of those moderates are
now gone from the Virginia Senate and all that stands between Virginia and North
Carolina is a Governor who is willing to exercise his or her veto pen in the
service of moderation. If you look at the vetoes in Virginia’s last General
Assembly session, you can see this in full
force. The Governor successfully vetoed efforts by the Republicans to defund
Planned Parenthood, prevent the state from producing a state-initiated clean
power plan, allow discrimination under the guise of religious freedom, continue
inefficient and special tax benefits for coal companies and utilities, and place
further restrictions on Virginians’ ability to register and vote.
Our ability to influence state races is
dramatically affected by voter turnout. Although it is unlikely that voter
participation in the presidential race will reach the historic levels of the
2008 Obama campaign, the percentage of registered voters who will make it to the
polls this fall is likely to exceed 70 percent. Contrast that to the last
Virginia gubernatorial race when only 43 percent of registered voters appeared
at the polls, and state delegate races which often produce participation numbers
even lower (under 30 percent in 2015).
Virginia's Elections Matter
So as we rightfully focus on the Presidential
election, we should not lose track that in Virginia we could be only one
election away from our state adopting the politics of North Carolina and
producing a new redistricting plan that will put the checks and balances of
divided government at further risk for the next decade. The stakes could not be
(electronic mail, June 10, 2016)