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With other black evangelicals I am urging Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and other news websites to cease and desist consistently and repeatedly proclaiming that "evangelicals" are voting for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or some other potential presidential candidates. Not only is this a disregard for black evangelicals who are not voting for these candidates, it is a failure to tell the truth. This is bias or a disregard for members of the National Black Evangelical Association, a ministry of Reconciliation since 1963, and other black evangelicals, including myself, who was one of them at some time in my life. Dr. Michel L Brown, an American Messianic Jew, conservative and president of practical theology recognized that black evangelicals are not often on the same page as white evangelicals. In an open letter to black evangelicals he asked black evangelicals "Why they Re-Elected Obama?" and wanted to know whether they compromised their belief by voting for the re-election of President Barack Obama?" However, he did not inquire of white evangelicals as to why they compromised their rhetorical belief by voting against legislation offered to help the poor, decrease incarceration, especially of young black men, and gun control, the lack thereof last year accounted for the death of 33,000 people. In my open letter to Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and other news websites I call upon you to be as truthful as the leaders of Black Lives Matter who have no problem in saying "black lives matter." Neither should you have any problem in saying "white evangelicals are voting for Trump, Cruz or whoever they vote for during these primaries and the presidential election." Uriah Fields (electronic mail, February 9, 2016)