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As the gaggle of largely mediocre right wing rinos vying for the nomination try to outdo each other in condemning a black president, who by all standards of reality, has done a credible job against overwhelming obstruction, negativity, racism and outright hatred, now comes an attack by a hack questioning his "love" of America. [Rudolph Giuliani, the former Republican New York mayor, had said during a fundraiser Wednesday, according to Politico, that Obama "wasn't brought up the way you were brought up, and I was brought up, through love of this country."] With almost no exceptions, not one of these fearless leaders has had the courage to condemn this anti-American smear of a democratically elected President of the United States of America. Giuliani implies he loves America more. I wonder if he loves the fetid crime-ridden ghettos of Detroit or Chicago? I wonder if he loves the America with beaches on the Gulf Coast barred to virtually any human activity because of pollution. I wonder if he loves the America capable of allowing 9000+ gun homicides per annum? (Incidentally, all the British Isles have an average of 72.) . I wonder if he loves the America endlessly involved in war after war globally? Giuliani and his fellow travelers falsely operating under the banner of a once great political party, bring to reality the famous words of Samuel Johnson, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." If this gang of know-nothings had a single constructive suggestion for the fulfillment of the Preamble of our Constitution and the betterment of the American people, who, incidentally, make America great, in spite of Romney's "47%" labeled as virtual parisites, I'd be listening. No profiles in courage amongst this smarmy group of body snatchers! They make Hillary look great! Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, February 23, 2015)