Archives - Wat Ellerson comments on the 2016 Primary Ballots
December 2015
Elections 2016: Wat Ellerson comments on the 2016 Primary Ballots
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That's interesting!

A statute of limitations was only applicable to actions "at law" (claims for money damages), not equity (injunction, mandamus, divorce) actions. Laches was much more loosey-goosey. Very subjective! Those presidential candidates were probably seeking "mandamus" to compel the State Board of Elections to put them on the ballot. I don't think laches was a good decision. I think the Va. Supreme Court could have said simply that deadlines are deadlines. That's what they do to lawyers all the time!

Since my time, Va. has finally joined the rest of the country and merged its "law" actions and "equity" actions, so I don't know if the doctrine of laches still exists.

Va. used to even have separate courts, like England, for law and equity, but I think they finally merged the courts into the circuit courts in the early 20th C. Richmond, however, DID continue to maintain separate criminal and civil courts until about 8 years ago, but Chief Justice Thomas put a stop to that! He wanted ALL circuit judges available to hear ALL kinds of cases--no specialization.

I will likely vote again next year for the Libertarian candidate. I know he/she won't win, but if they get at least 5% in a statewide contest, they won't have to circulate ballot petitions thereafter. It is a tremendous disadvantage.

There is no goddamned way I will vote for Hillary, and Bernie is not likely to be the nominee! O'Malley is a joke! Hillary will probably be the next Prez, though. I doubt that any one of those Republican clowns (incl. The Donald) will win!

It is good for the Dems that the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner with their infatuation with & shameless courting of the bigots! A non-bigot has no chance now to get the Republican nom! Even a mediocre Dem can probably win! Roman Hruska's plea for the "mediocre" may finally prevail in the Executive Branch! I daresay we've already had a lot of "mediocre" judges!

WAT (Electronic mail, December 12, 2015)

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