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George, One of my favorite quotes comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, I've referred to it in letters to you before. I think it is appropriate following (in my opinion), the sad events of the last thirty six hours. The quote: "The years teach much that the days never knew." The collective amnesia of the electorate astonishes, the years have taught us that the GOP never gets it right; be it balanced budgets, fifty years Dems 6 GOP 0; the economy, three of the most conservative publications in the world, National Review, Forbes, The Economist say the Democrats clearly provide higher GDP, employment, lower deficits, higher corporate and private income and, collectively say "it's not even close." In fact, Forbes gives a measurement of forty years of Republican control versus forty years of Democratic rule, regardless of which party controlled Congress. A hypothetical one hundred thousand invested in an identical index fund was, at the end of the forty year time span of the GOP, worth one hundred twenty six thousand. A comparable period under the Democrats was worth 3.9 million. I don't think any of these publications would be considered "cheerleaders" for Democrats, but myths are myths and facts are facts. The question becomes: how do Republicans continually weather failure after failure from the era of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover to Cheney/Bush? And crippling scandals like Wategate and Iran-Contra? I get the impression that like Chicago Cubs' fans faithfully believing, "we'll get it right next time," the Republicans follow the same litany. Again, in my opinion, President Obama has done, under his leadership, a near impossible job bringing this nation, in six years, from the brink of total economic collapse. From an unemployment rate of 10+ % to 5.9%. Passed an historic health care bill that finally moves the United States into a place where health care is a right not a privilege. Reversed a collapsing housing market where foreclosures were in the millions to now where home prices are once again rising. A stock market that saw the Dow Jones Averages drop to mid six thousand and now to record highs over 17,000 (think what that has done for 401Ks). Since 2008, domestic oil production has increased 70%. The Republicans obstructed to the point where many voters blamed it on the president. And by using "guilt by association" many Republican candidates used the condition their party created to stigmatize their Democratic opponents. The GOP used the "Big Lie" theory to where a majority of Americans are convinced this great nation is on the wrong track. Amazing what millions in propaganda generated messages can do. But take heart! Nothing will change and once again, in the future we'll hear, "we'll get it right next time, promise." Let's hope it comes in 2016. Another favorite quote by P. T. Barnum, "you'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people" Maybe a bit cynical but many simply acted on what they learned from the days and not from the years. Harry Tenney(Electronic mail, November 5, 2014)