Archives - Katherine McNamara comments on CNU Polling
May 2014
Letters to the Editor: Katherine McNamara comments on CNU Polling
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I always learn from David RePass's instruction on the strengths and weaknesses of polls and polling. I wonder, though, if the February 3 CNU poll indeed, as he wrote, "got it right." If I were asked that question, I think I would consider how the expansion would be funded, no matter whether or not I supported it. (Of course I support it.) Although the question correctly notes that Medicaid is both federally- and state-funded, I believe the expansion is federally-funded. Should that vital (I would have thought, if I have it right) information not have been included?

But then, I rarely-to-never answer polls, just as I seldom fill those follow-up "service" questionnaires, for the simple reason that they seldom ask the questions I want answered, or else, ask them in so general a way at to be meaningless in their imprecision. I thought the Feb. 3 CNU poll question veered toward the latter.

Katherine McNamara

(Electronic mail, May 19, 2014)

Editor's Note: The poll in question is from Christopher Newport University's Wason Center

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