Archives - Gaughan selected to oppose Hurt
June 2014
Virginia Fifth Congressional District Election 2014: Gaughan selected to oppose Hurt
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The Fifth Distict Democratic Convention was held on Saturday at Fluvanna County High School. Lawrence Gaughan defeated Ben Hudson 127 delegate votes to 53, and will face incumbent Republican Rep. Robert Hurt in the fall.

A film and television actor and director, Gaughan, 47, is the founder of Gov360 a nonprofit group intended to increase voter turnout. (And additionally, to fight the influence of big money in politics).

Both Gaughan and Hudson vowed in short speeches to promote clean energy and stringent environmental regulations and to raise the minimum wage. Both candidates derided Hurt as a rank-and-file Republican whose repeated attempts to repeal the federal Affordable Care Act wasted time and resources.

Gaughan pledged that he "will absolutely refuse to run any negative ad," but did say that attacks on him might require a response. Gaughan said he'd work to cut corporate tax loopholes and quiet the influence of "special interests" in Washington.

Asked to specify special interest groups from which he'd refuse campaign money, Gaughan said he likely would take money from 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations. He defined special interests as groups that profit from their investment in a candidate or issue.

(June 1, 2014)

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