Archives - Rey Barry says Tim Kaine is in the footsteps of Bill Spong
December 2014
Letters to the Editor: Rey Barry says Tim Kaine is in the footsteps of Bill Spong
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Tim Kane is carrying on where Bill Spong left off. Virginia senators always seem to be named chairman of a foreign relations sub-committee and eventually the committee.

America's Global Role

In the 113th Congress, as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee that oversees the Middle East and South and Central Asia, I led congressional delegations to India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank, Qatar, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain & Egypt, as well as traveled with colleagues to Turkey, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates and joined world leaders at global conferences in Canada and Bahrain. On each occasion, the highlight of my trip has been the chance to meet with servicemembers and foreign service officers from Virginia serving overseas. -- Senator Tim Kaine

Rey Barry (Electronic mail, December 31, 2014)

Editor's Note: In the upcoming Congress, with a Republican majority, Senator Kaine will become the ranking member of the subcommittee. The chairmanship will pass to James Risch of Idaho.

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