Archives - Uriah Fields says threat to sue the President is a sham
August 2014
113th Congress: Uriah Fields says threat to sue the President is a sham
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On Wednesday (July 30, 2014) the House of Representatives, gunning for impeachment of President Obama, voted along party lines by a vote of 225 to 201 to sue Obama over claims that he abused his powers at the expense of Congress and the Constitution.

Five Republicans voting with the Democrats were: Paul Broun (GA), Scott Garrett (NJ), Steve Stockman (TX), Walter Jones (NC) and Thomas Massie (KY). Broun, Stockman and Jones believe that the measure did not go far enough. They had indicated their support for impeachment of Obama. It is not clear to me as to why Garrett and Massie voted with the Democrats. [See Note, below] A vote to sue Obama is the first-of-its kind during the 225 years the Congress, consisting of the U. S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, has existed.

Some prominent conservatives, including former Republican Vice President candidate Sarah Palin, have called for Obama's impeachment. Soon after Obama was elected President in 2008 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said "My number one priority is making sure President Obama is a one-term President." Despite McConnell's recalcitrance and that of other like-minded Republicans who supported his obejctive and contributed to Mitt Romney's campaign $1,228,213,064 to exceed contributions made to Obama's campaign in the amount of $932,013,338, Obama was re-elected by a substantial margin, garnering 332 electoral votes to Romney's 206 electoral votes and 62,263,068 popular votes to Romney's 58,895,290 popular votes.

The Republicans claim that Obama has issued executive orders that override laws enacted by Congress and initiated laws. The truth is Obama has issued fewer executive orders than his four immediate predecessors as indicated below: Ronald Regan (1981-1989) 381; H. W. Bush (1989-1993 - 4 years) 166; Bill Clinton (1993-2001) 364 ; George W. Bush (2001-2009) 291; Barrack Obama (2009 present - 5 1/2 years) 183.

As for presidents issuing executive orders President Harry Truman issued Executive Order No. 9981 desegregating the military on July 26, 1948, approximately four months after I enlisted in the Army. Some top military brass, including then General Dwight D. Eisenhower advised him to the contrary as did nearly all Southern politicians. Let me add, the president extended my three-year enlistment an additional year after in June of 1950 he declared the Korean War.

I would like very much to see and I urge Obama to issue more executive orders to address inequities in society, at least a hundred more by the end of his term that would still be less than the executive orders issued by his immediate predecessor. I would want one of them to be an executive order requiring payment of reparations to descendants of Africans who were enslaved in America. It is worth noting here that Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich introduced and re-introduced H. R. 40 before every Congress since 1989 that calls for acknowledging slavery and racial discrimination, study their impact and proposed remedies. Both Democrats and Republicans have refused to put H. R. 40 to a vote. To reiterate, on this matter, I urge Obama to be a Harry Truman and declare unapologetically, "The buck stops here!"

What is the rationale for the Republicans' assault on Obama? Recently Attorney General Eric Holder said "Racial animus fuels opposition to Obama and me."

I agree with him. Having a black man as president and a black man as Attorney General is more than some white Republicans and a significant percentage of the white population can stomach. I would estimate that thirty-five to forty percent of white Americans and in some parts of the country, including some parts outside of the South, over fifty percent of the people, agree with the late Senator Storm Thurmond (R-SC) "that things would be better today if they were like they were before the Civil Rights Movement of the fifties and sixties."

The House of Representatives voted in 2012 to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents to Operation Fast and Furious. Earlier this year Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) during his appearance before a House Judicial Committee hearing used the threat of holding Holder in contempt of Congress. To that Holder shot back, "You don't want to go there, buddy!"

The eyes of God are on America. What does He see? What do you see?

Uriah J. FIelds (August 5, 2014)

Editor's note: Rep Massie has been quoted recently on the subject: "I agree that the president must be held accountable for his lawlessness. But the time, effort, and cost to the taxpayer could be more effectively spent ... [Congrees should use its] power of the purse ... to keep the Executive in check."

At the time of this posting, Rep. Garrett has not commented on his vote. He is extremely conservative, representing northern and northwestern New Jersey, but from time to time has evidenced libertarian differences from the Right-Wing norm.

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