Here's a press release I am sending to the media:
The Rev. Uriah J. Fields, the first Civil Rights secretary for Martin Luther King, Jr., and the original secretary of the Montgomery Improvement Association that directed the bus boycott, denounced Ben Carson, an African American neurosurgeon, who said in a speech delivered (10/11/13) to the Values Voter Summit, during their annual conservative gathering in Washington, for having said "Obamacae is really, I think, is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery." Fields said that is a blackface lie! He said that discrimination, disfranchisement, lynching and many other injustices African Americans have experienced are worst than Obamacare. He added, Obamacare is a good thing; it has already helped hundreds of thousands and will help millions in the future.
Fields called upon Carson to apologize to the nation, in memory of Civil Rights martyrs, that include Rev. James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo (white) and four little children who died when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King, Jr., to name only a few, who made the ultimate sacrifice, not in a foreign land, but in America in their fight for justice for black people. They made it possible for Carson to be a neurosurgeon and to have been employed at the John Hopkins University Hospital.
Uriah J. Fields (Electronic mail, October 12, 2013)