Archives - Harry Tenney says Terry McAuliffe deserves women's votes
October 2013
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney says Terry McAuliffe deserves women's votes
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If there was one point I took away from President Clinton's impressive comments yesterday, was this. Zealots vote!

I also felt that Terry McAuliffe's speech was dynamic and effective. I came away however, thinking, more than Terry McAuliiffe's campaign pledges of a progressive agenda, was how in the world any woman with even a shadow of self esteem could support an extreme anti-women, hate filled agenda of Cuchinelli and Company?

And women make up at least half the voters.

The expression "War on Women" doesn't hit the heart of the issue as far as I am concerned. I prefer a more direct use of the language. In my opinion,words like "demeaning," "degrading," "disgusting," even "dismissive" come closer to a more personal assault on our mothers, wives, daughters and friends.

Could anything be more proof than wanting to require women seeking a legal abortion be subjected to transvaginal probes? Medically unnecessary. Just another bit of sadism, the goal being to shame and humiliate..

Is it in the water they are drinking? Is it self-hate, blaming their mothers for their sorry fate, hence women?

But even more troubling is the sad comment it makes on the women supporting these characters.

Mind boggling.

Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, October 30, 2013)

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